[Services_to_latinos] CLA Annual Conference Roundtable Meeting
listserv email Fri 11/2/2007
Jacqueline Ayala wrote:
¡Saludos a todos!
It was wonderful to see so many individuals at the conference.
As you may know, I live and work in San Diego. Our esteemed colegas,
José Aponte (San Diego County Library Director) and Patrick Suillivan
(San Diego State Univesity Business Librarian, REFORMA Chair of INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Committee and LIBROS Treasurer) were unable to attend or called back home from CLA (respectively) due to the Wlidfires catastrophe that we experienced.
Cynthia Smith chaired the roundtable meeting on Saturday afternoon. You took the reins last year when it was so very crucial ! A controversy regarding Ken Burns' The War surfaced in the Fall and as the Services to Latino Roundtable chair you were attempting to communicate as much information as possible.
Thank you for your efforts and maintainence of the SLRT in 2007. And for not expending any of our funds which remain somewhere in the $250 range. Present also at the meeting was special guest, Camila Alire, from Colorado who visited to speak to CA library workers about her campaign for national office.
I attended the presentation "If you invite them,They Will Come...Y Ahora Que? Teens in the Library" sponsored by this Roundtable. Kudos first and foremost to Martha Arroyo-Neves, Pete Villaseñor and Ida daRoza for your work and success in serving our youth.
The workshop you gave was so good. People stayed afterwards to speak to each panelist and Martha especially fulfilled what she set out to do back in Sacramento last year. Mil gracias! The audience was not disappointed.
Our next two chairs were selected at the SLRT meeting on Saturday. Ida Z. (San Mateo County Library) will serve next, and Yvonne Tello (Ventura County) will assist in order to take over in 2009. I look forward to the future and admire that both of you will be leading us in activities and direction.
I know there is so much more to discuss--so please do not hesitate to respond.
ida's note
Well, I don't think the info is quite right about me being chair - I remember that it was suggested that Yvonne and I co-chair, but I was going to talk to her about chairing and I could give her support...we'll have to work that one out...