Under rated movie Tarsem Singh's The Fall from 2008
My husband watches quite a few movies, but I am usually too hyper to sit down for 2 hours and focus on one. When he suggests a must-see movie, I trust his judgment. The Fall by Tarsem Singh (who directed the movie as well as the Cell - another movie I feel was under rated) takes my breath away with this film.
The movie is a visual fairytale with absolutely wonderful art direction, whimsy and cinematography. Every shot seemed well thought out and planned. I watched it just wishing i could expand my television to encompass the whole room and take me into the scenes.
I recommend the movie for its artistry - it was panned by critics for the storyline, but i think the magnificent artistry should override those opinions and it should be experienced by all.
It makes me think of all the beauty out in the world I have yet to see. Also admiration for those who can put an artistic vision into a solid format.
I've inserted a link to a better review than I have given it. http://www.offscreen.com/biblio/pages/essays/fall_tarsem/